Day trips from Sofia

The day trip from Sofia to Rila Monastery and the Rile mountains was one of the several highlights of our stay in Bulgaria. The drive from Sofia to Rila was about 2 hours but was really picturesque with sunflower fields on both sides.

Sunflower fields on the way from Sofia to Rila Monastery

Endless fields of sunflowers

Driving past blurred yellows and greens, we were heading closer to the foothills of the Rila mountains. A few tunnels and winding mountain roads later, we reached the beautiful Rila Monastery perched on the Rila mountains.


Rila Monastery

Rila Monastery is one of the most famous Eastern Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria enjoying UNESCO World Heritage Site status. It is named after its founder, hermit St Ivan of Rila. Today the monastery is home to several monks.


The monastery was buzzing with tourists and devotees visiting.


Rila monastery and the mountains


The monastery complex


The courtyard


The front of the church


Colourful frescos adorning the ceilings


More frescos on the walls depicting religious scenes


After spending time at the Monastery, we decided to spend time in the Rila mountains and were hoping to get a few glimpses of the Seven Rila lakes.

In the past few years, the Rila mountains and the Seven Lakes have become an increasingly popular hiking spot.The Rila Lakes chair lift is a super convenient option for those who would prefer getting to the top the easy way while admiring the beauty of the mountains and valleys.


The chair lift goes from a height of 1585m at the bottom of the station to 2100m when at the top.


The views are breathtaking on the way to the top of the station. At the top of the station, there are options for food, although they are pretty limited to basics such as soups, bread and salads.

From here on, we walked towards the lakes that were at different heights. Each of these glacial lakes has a unique name that essentially describes it.


The highest lake is called The Tear because of its extremely clear waters. Another lake is called The Oval because of its obvious oval shape.


We were lucky to have visited Rila and the Seven Lakes in the summer months because in the other seasons it is extremely inhospitable weather.


If you are visiting Bulgaria, I would highly recommend a trip to Rila Monastery and the Seven Rila Lakes. A true hidden Bulgarian gem!